This Autumn's Must Have Colours.


We here at KIWI Boutique always love the start of a new season as it means that our shops get filled with brand new stock in lovely new seasonal colours, and we have to say, Autumn is one of our favourites! Today we're going to go through the colour spectrum and tell you the colours you should be wearing this Autumn.

1. Fuchsia/Rasberry - If you like bright colours but still want to style your wardrobe for Autumn, then this is the shade for you! While it's still on the bright side, it's also quite muted, meaning it's just enough to brighten up those gloomy, rainy days to come.

2. Red/Cranberry - As you can already tell, any berry shade during Autumn is a winner!

3. Orange/Burnt Orange - Burnt orange is always a popular colour in Autumn and seems to come back around every year, and for a good reason. Much like the browning leaves and roasting fires, burnt orange screams Autumn!

4. Copper - Copper is a colour that has increasingly become more popular over the past few months, especially among Bloggers in home decor in particular. Introduce copper into your wardrobe with a handbag or a flat pair of shoes.

5. Mustard - Mustard is another colour that we always expect to see fill the shops in the Autumn months as it's a great colour to pair with black and it also looks stunning paired with navy!

6. Gold - Gold, along with copper, is another metallic that proves to be popular in the Autumn. Adding a metallic to your outfit is a fab way to add a bit of shimmer to your outfit without looking out of place this season.

And there you have it, all the colours you need in your Autumn wardrobe this year! We love Autumnal colours and can't wait to freshen up our wardrobe with them, what about you? Which colours do you love wearing in Autumn? Let us know in the comments! We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Kiwi girl Lucy x

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