What To Take To A Festival!


When we think of Summer we think of sun, sand, sea, summer clothes, ice cream, sunglasses and of course, FESTIVALS! Summer is festival season and sees hundreds of thousands of people each year go out to enjoy some live music and a few bevvies in the sun (or rain!). 

However, a huge part of the festival experience is camping which means that some people are left wondering what essentials they really need to take. Well, if you're one of those people then put those worries aside, as with V Festival, Leeds & Reading and a few others coming up, we have put together a checklist of all the essentials you need to take to a festival:

1. Hand Sanitizer + Wipes.

Needless to say this is a simple one but a biggie. Festivals can get muddy and let's not even talk about those portable loos.... gross! Keep your sanity and hygiene by taking these two essentials to keep you clean (or at least as clean as you can be) through the festival.

2. Boho Style Clothes.

We don't know about you, but we LOVE seeing festival style whether that be from our fave celebs or our friends. Festivals are the perfect opportunity to get your Boho on. Our 70s style white dress with orange details would be perfect.

3. Dry Shampoo.

I think we can all agree that dry shampoo is a god-send of an invention, and it's something that you'll definitely thank yourself for bringing to freshen up after dancing all night long.

4. Jewellery.

Adding on to our previous point about Boho style, what's an outfit without a bit of bling? We suggest a stand out necklace, statement earrings and stacked up bracelets.

5. Flower Crown.

Flower Crowns are also a go to accessory for any festival. Whether you place it on top of your head like a crown or get a flower crown headband to keep your hair out your face, any type of flower crown is bound to raise your festival style.

6. Wellies.

Similar to the hand sanitizer and wet wipes, wellies are another essential item to add to your festival check list. Although we all like to hope that we'll be sipping cider in the sun all weekend, let's be serious, this is English weather we're talking about here! So although you'll hopefully see the sun at your festival, do not leave the wellies at home so you can tackle those muddy fields incase of rain.

If you're going to a festival then we hope this check list has helped! What about you? What do you consider an essential at a festival? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments down below.

Kiwi girl Lucy x

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